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Monday 27 October 2014

A Degrading Affair by Bert Phelan

A Degrading Affair
Bert Phelan


Marcy whimpered as she felt Kyle's fingers join her own. Tentacles of lust curled through every inch of her body, and she hungered for more sex and more and more. She felt a craving for multiple experiences, she wanted to share her great billowing lust with all these people at once. She let the feeling flow through her until she could bear it no longer,and then she reached out a hand and found the giant that reared from between Dr. Villiers' thighs. Her fingers fluttered over it, searching and caressing, before gripping it. The other hand located the smaller monster that perpetually rose
from Kyle's groin.

With a sigh, Mrs. Swenson sank down on her side and the four experimenters swarmed over her like wolves closing in for the kill.

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