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Monday 27 October 2014

A Bride For The Whole Family by James Elliot

A Bride For The Whole Family
James Elliot

Her naked body hissed between the sheets as she slid into bed. It was a luxurious feeling, like hotel sheets always are, cool, crisp and fresh, nearly crackling. She felt like purring as she snuggled down, allowing the soft comfort to ease the tension of the day's drive from her.

Fresh from the shower, glowing with a pampered warmth, she rolled to the center of the king-size bed and languidly stretched. A satisfied smile danced across her full lips as she once more came alive. Carefully, she arranged the shoulder length strands of light brunette hair in a fluffy cascade on the pillow, framing the classical oval beauty of her face in a silken cloud of softness.......

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