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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

A Donkey Named Peter By R. E. Geis

A Donkey Named Peter
R. E. Geis


Human sexual activity with animals is not as rare as has been thought; a great deal of curious sexual experimentation goes on between girls and their dogs and cats, between women and their pets. Only a small percent continue it.

Roger Blake, Ph.D., in his book Beauty/Beast, Vol 1, writes: "... the statistical possibilities are that one female in twenty and one male among every twelve to fourteen are currently engaging in bestial relations, have had sexual contact with animals, or will have sex relations with one or more animals."

Extrapolation of the Kinsey Reports' figures indicates that right now there are approximately five million females in this country who have, will have, or are having sex contacts with animals.

Sex acts between women and larger animals pigs, ponies, donkeys, horses is thought to be limited to commercial sex circuses and exhibitions by prostitutes, but a secret, not-too-rare area of such activity exists on the farms. There, widows and young women often experiment with larger animals and sometimes develop intense emotional attachments to their animals.

Recently a Swedish girl who posed for a number of pornographic picture magazines with her stallion, pig, donkey, and dogs and cat was interviewed and said she had been having sexual contacts with animals since she was seven years old. She claimed she'd rather have sex with an animal than with a strange man.

Why a woman seeks or accepts sex with an animal is a question with many answers. One reason is that the raw, uninhibited power of an animal is attractive to a certain kind of woman -- the masochist -- who seeks punishment through the pain and humiliation of sex acts with animals.

Roger Blake comments on this factor thus: "I feel that vast numbers of urban women who are bestialists may also be masochists. The contact with an animal 'is a degradation, 'proving' that they are real 'bitches' to themselves."

Certainly this has to be part of the motive money is the excuse -- of the prostitute who perform sexually with animals in "circuses" and exhibitions.

There is an interview in this book with such a woman who "does it" with dogs.

True names and places have all been changed or omitted.

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