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Thursday 27 October 2016

A Mom And More By Kathy Andrews

Kathy Andrews

A MOM AND MORE by Kathy Andrews
The tremendous impact of a parent's attitudes and behavior on a growing child has been emphasized repeatedly by psychologists. Indeed, a parent's influence often carries on into a child's later years, leaving an indelible mark upon his personality. This influence can be for the good, as when a child grows into a mature and happy adult, or for the bad, as in the case where the child grows into a confused outsider or misfit.

This is the story of an impressionable teenage boy whose relationship with his mother threatens to leave indelible marks on his personality if the situation in which he finds himself is not changed. His mother refuses to let go; indeed, she encourages the incestuous relationship, and the boy, feeling as though what they are doing must be right, allows her to lead him down a forbidden path. But who is to say they are wrong?

A MOM AND MORE a shocking story, certainly, but one which must be told. A chapter from our confused and restless society.

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