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Tuesday 13 January 2015

A Helpful Wife By Susan Carter

A Helpful Wife
Susan Carter


"Tim! No, please don't!" Melanie Cartwright protested.

She struggled for a moment with his hand, pulling it with hesitant force from beneath the top of her thin, low-cut dress. Tim Cartwright resisted somewhat drunkenly, and then let his hand be pushed limply away.

"Melanie, for God's sake!" the young man thickly hissed. "We're married, aren't we? Jesus, you act like we were still going steady."

"Oh, darling, it's not that," she moaned in a soft whisper against him. "It's that we're in a public theater, that's all."

"What's that got to do with it?" he growled in a low voice.

"I mean... I mean, it's not even a drive-in! We can't... we can't make a spectacle of ourselves in front of all the others here. We're not teenagers any more, you know."

"Not by very much," he chuckled wetly against her ear. "I bet you just don't want your new boss to see you necking, right?"

Melanie flushed slightly, feeling her rosy cheeks flare with heat in the darkened movie theater. "No," she protested, "it's not that at all. Mr. Andersson is a married man. He knows all about love." She dropped her head to his shoulder and began to sigh gently, trying to show her husband she wasn't such a prude as she sometimes sounded. "We'll have plenty of time for loving later, when we get home!"

"Think you can stand seeing sexy films like this every night while I'm gone?" her husband, Tim, whispered suggestively.

"You... you know I don't like them, Tim," she replied, stiffening. "Besides, I'll be out in the lobby all the time I'm working. Now hush and watch the movie. You're the one who wanted to see it so badly."

"Yeah," Tim breathed huskily, looking back to the screen with liquor-dulled eyes. "And man, it sure is a hot one, isn't it?"

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A Helpful Wife By Karim Al-Zib

A Helpful Wife
Karim Al-Zib


In a very special part of Algiers, where the police did not go without invitation -- except to pick up their monthly bonus -- and where the only customers were the government ministers and the super rich businessmen who came to North Africa for an anonymous and frankly expensive forbidden thrill, Pierre Lemarge plied his trade at his poshly and gaudily decorated night club that was called, not strangely, "Pierre's". Thirty years before, Pierre had been a strikingly handsome, slender -- and prosperous -- gigolo and pimp in Paris and Marseilles. Years of self-indulgence and dissipation had left him almost hairless and quite overweight, with a blotchy complexion and a hacking cough, but he enjoyed his life and the money he made at his business running his string of clubs all over North Africa and Mediterranean Europe.

Now he stood at the door of his club in Algiers, welcoming his rich guests who paid 500 French francs, or 100 American dollars, or 65 pounds sterling to see the cabaret. They paid an equal price for champagne, and other drinks were marked up ten times over the normal as well. Of course, that was not all. The cabaret performer always was heavily tipped, but Pierre took all of this for himself. There was no sense in letting the girl have money so she could run away.

Inside, the customers now seated themselves around the circular stage so that the act could take place in the center. The stage itself revolved slowly for the benefit of the clients and gave everyone an equal look at what was going on. Pierre noted the presence of the Greek shipping magnate, the Arabian sheikh, who always spent the most money, the Italian movie star and her boyfriend, and the Algerian minister of defense. The common tourist could never afford to see this show, would not even hear about it. Pierre made twenty thousand dollars a night for his shows, so they were the best.

His girls were the best. The most beautiful, loveliest, youngest. He rotated the acts through his string of nightclubs so that each act played each club at most three weeks a year.

Tonight's "star" was the daughter of an American tourist. The seventeen-year-old brunette had "gone missing" from her family on vacation in Morocco, having taken the wrong turn in the Souq and walked into the clutches of Pierre's talent agent, a cutthroat Palestinian who specialized in abduction and white slavery. Within a week of her disappearance, she had been training for her job as cabaret performer in Lemarge's clubs. She was a lovely thing with light-brown hair and firm, full breasts. Pierre had not been able to sell her virginity, for she had given that to her boyfriend, who played halfback on his university's varsity football team, but she still had sufficient innocence to make a lovely act for the club.

The opening acts were just finishing when Pierre came in and picked up a drink for himself from the bar. The opening acts were the girls who had been with him for a few years and no longer quite had the freshness a girl needed for the main act. At one time they had been the main acts. Now they opened for the newer girls, engaging in wild acts of sex on the circular stage with big, well-hung men of assorted colors.

To a chorus of applause, the emcee came out with the new girl, whose name was Jeanne. She was well-drugged, though not in a stupor, her pretty eyes glassy. He had started her out a couple of weeks before with a huge black Nubian and as her resistance softened and she improved in her performance, Pierre moved her up to top the bill.

The emcee, Rashid, brought the girl out and arranged her over the padded support that had been specially built for the act. He shackled her hands so that she couldn't move, her upper body inclined slightly down and her legs straight and vertical behind her, exposing her pink cunt to the eyes of the audience. When the girl's hands and feet were secured -- she actually had no idea what was happening tonight -- Rashid led out her partner, a randy, male donkey. That was when she began to cry, scream and struggle.

This was what the audience liked, and they could tell her reluctance wasn't an act. But the girl had been well-fucked by well-hung studs for the past two weeks and after the animal had mounted her and Rashid had fed its long cock into her pussy, her screams of outrage slackened and she began to enjoy what she had been trained to enjoy. The audience cheered at her acquiescence and they began ordering champagne, cocktails, and drugs at a rate that Pierre's staff could barely keep up with.

Pierre loved his job. He grossed millions every year and he got to sample the "stars" before they went on stage. His only problem was finding new, acceptable talent.

But the Palestinian did pretty well. And Pierre had his sources.

And life was pretty good for Pierre Lemarge.

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Gay-Girl Games By Hu Flungit

Gay-Girl Games
Hu Flungit


There was an open magazine spread across my lap, but I wasn't doing much reading. Or even looking at the pictures, the ads and such. Instead, somehow, I found myself sneaking sidelong glances at the muscular maidservant going about her duties. Zona. Such a big woman! Not a butchy type exactly, but with that build of hers she could have been a lady wrestler. She looked more like a professional masseuse than a maid, one of those aging Scandinavian athletes, the kind who seem to specialize in pounding the blubber off bare bottoms in high-class beauty salons. It made me wonder if her mistress -- my old friend but still-absent hostess -- had put on some weight since our last get-together. I sure hoped not. That beautiful body, fat? The very thought gave me a chill...

"Something I can do for you, Miss Sue?"

"Huh?" My cheeks turned warm; she must have seen me peeking at her. "Umm... a drink might be nice..."

"Of course. Brandy? That's what Miz Lizabeth usually takes about this hour of the evening. There's some excellent stuff, real great cognac, supposed to be thirty years old. Okay?"

"Yes, thank, you. Sounds fine."

Nodding approval, Zona moved toward the liquor cabinet at the far end of the huge living room, a stately figure even in her drab uniform. I didn't feel like drinking, actually, having mentioned it only as a cover-up for my momentary confusion. Nor would I have chosen brandy, for that matter, had the choice been mine to make. And yet there I was, resigned to my old submissive role even in Lizabeth's absence. Or conforming to her pattern, at any rate, as suggested -- or dictated? -- by this deferential but oddly imposing servant of hers. Could my domineering ex-lover intimidate me even by proxy?

No. Impossible. Too much time had gone by; submission didn't come so easily these days. But why was I shaking like this? Was it because of Zona herself?

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A Family Sandwich By Grace Wilkinson

A Family Sandwich
Grace Wilkinson


"Well, I hope he's not planning on staying forever!" Fran said, her lips pursing in a half-pout. The attractive 29 year old housewife was looking in her dressing table mirror, brushing her hair before going to bed. Her long blonde curls shone magnificently. Fran was proud that she had kept her looks and her figure so well since her erstwhile career as a model in New York. She hadn't modeled for very long, but she had been popular and all the photographers as well as the agency she'd been with had assured her that she had a splendid future in the business.

Fran had given it all up for Brint Cooper, however, a fact that she was beginning to regret more and more, especially recently. And now that Brint's unemployed brother was coming to live with them -- heaven knew for how long -- Fran was beginning to feel more trapped than ever.

She brushed furiously, letting the electricity the brush created snap and crackle around her head, her eyes reflecting the frustration and anger she felt at the course her life was taking. It had to happen now, too... just when their daughter Jeanie was getting old enough to require less parental attention from Fran... just when Fran was beginning to feel that she could breathe again. She'd been considering getting a job, something glamorous which would require her to go into New York fairly often, something which would allow her to escape from the dull Queens community of bored housewives and uninteresting husbands.

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A Donkey Named Peter By R. E. Geis

A Donkey Named Peter
R. E. Geis


Human sexual activity with animals is not as rare as has been thought; a great deal of curious sexual experimentation goes on between girls and their dogs and cats, between women and their pets. Only a small percent continue it.

Roger Blake, Ph.D., in his book Beauty/Beast, Vol 1, writes: "... the statistical possibilities are that one female in twenty and one male among every twelve to fourteen are currently engaging in bestial relations, have had sexual contact with animals, or will have sex relations with one or more animals."

Extrapolation of the Kinsey Reports' figures indicates that right now there are approximately five million females in this country who have, will have, or are having sex contacts with animals.

Sex acts between women and larger animals pigs, ponies, donkeys, horses is thought to be limited to commercial sex circuses and exhibitions by prostitutes, but a secret, not-too-rare area of such activity exists on the farms. There, widows and young women often experiment with larger animals and sometimes develop intense emotional attachments to their animals.

Recently a Swedish girl who posed for a number of pornographic picture magazines with her stallion, pig, donkey, and dogs and cat was interviewed and said she had been having sexual contacts with animals since she was seven years old. She claimed she'd rather have sex with an animal than with a strange man.

Why a woman seeks or accepts sex with an animal is a question with many answers. One reason is that the raw, uninhibited power of an animal is attractive to a certain kind of woman -- the masochist -- who seeks punishment through the pain and humiliation of sex acts with animals.

Roger Blake comments on this factor thus: "I feel that vast numbers of urban women who are bestialists may also be masochists. The contact with an animal 'is a degradation, 'proving' that they are real 'bitches' to themselves."

Certainly this has to be part of the motive money is the excuse -- of the prostitute who perform sexually with animals in "circuses" and exhibitions.

There is an interview in this book with such a woman who "does it" with dogs.

True names and places have all been changed or omitted.

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